In high school, all everyone worried about was doing everything possible to get into the college of their dreams. However, now that high school is over...we are faced with the much more serious question. What do we want to do with our lives? I used to think I had an idea...maybe attorney or after my dreams of becoming a singer in Hong Kong (everybody dreams right?). It also was not all too uncommon for kids to dream of being entertainers in Los Angeles. Anyway, it was not until my senior summer that I really thought about what I wanted to pursue as a career...I wanted to be sincerely happy and passionate about my work, but I was not too sure that being an attorney would be the answer.
Then one day I got the opportunity to tour a news station in Hong Kong. Seeing how the news anchors reported live and how the tapes were edited was absolutely fascinating and thrilling to me. Thus, this experience sparked my interest in journalism.
Now, I have my eyes on the prize. I know strenuous times lie ahead of me, but as my dad has always told pain,no gain.
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